Alaska Airlines turns to essential oil specialists for hand sanitiser

By Sarah Parsons | Published: 25-Aug-2020

The American airline company hopes to relax passengers with its aromatherapy products

Alaska Airlines has partnered with Californian wellness and beauty brand EO on its anti-coronavirus in-flight policy.

The essential oil specialists will provide passengers with biodegradable, single-use hand sanitising wipes.

The antibacterial wipes are said to be 99.9% effective against common germs and contain aromatherapy scents organic lavender, chamomile flower and white tea essential oils.

"Our mission is to provide premium options for consumers to practice clean hand safety wherever they are, so we are honoured to team up with Alaska Airlines," said Tom Feegel, CEO of EO.

"With travel-related anxiety high, our hand sanitizing wipes offer greater peace of mind while traveling."

The deal is a part of Alaska Airlines' Next-Level Care programme that aims to protect passengers against Covid-19.

Other measures include open middle seats, a pre-travel wellness assessment, a face covering requirement, and use of electrostatic disinfectant sprayers and hospital-grade filters combined with an air filtration system that are designed to refresh the cabin with outside air every three minutes.

Sangita Woerner, SVP of Marketing and Guest Experience for Alaska Airlines, added: "Travel has fundamentally changed – but our care for our guests has remained the same.

"Together, we're redefining the 'new normal' of travel by working hand-in-hand with infectious disease experts to encourage safe practices and ensure the comfort of everyone on board."

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