Manuplastics trials new Milliken PP clarifying agent

Published: 22-Jun-2010

New agent being assessed for commercial production

UK contract moulder Manuplastics has trialled jars manufactured in new super high clarity polypropylene (PP) made using Milliken Chemical’s latest high performance clarifying agent Millad NX8000.

Manuplastics has thus far produced 200ml jars with matching lids in the new grade which are currently being assessed by select customers, and hopes to begin commercial production of a full range of jars from 50ml-350ml shortly.

Milliken NX8000 is normally compounded into polypropylene by the polymer maker but Manuplastics wanted to find out how a resin containing the new clarifier would perform in practice. The resulting material is said to yield jars that not only boast enhanced transparency but which also include incredible colouring possibilities.

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