Market research – hindsight brings foresight

Published: 26-Apr-2012

Looking at old market research and past trends, and leveraging learnings in a wider context can provide some interesting beauty industry insights for the future. This article discusses how qualitative data mining allows companies to analyse common threads in a non-time consuming way

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Looking at old market research and past trends can provide some interesting insights for the future, suggests Bryan Urbick

“Before, you are wise; after, you are wise. In between you are otherwise.” So wrote American author David Zindell in his book, The Broken God. And though a fantasy novel, it still speaks a truth. In business, marketing people are expected to be wise before, during and after. It is a tall order.

In my experience, no one ever got fired for undertaking market research intended to provide the solutions required to meet corporate objectives. In reality though does the research provide the prophecy required to make one wise all of the time? Not likely. Of course the answer depends on the type of research undertaken, the data derived from that research, and the person’s definition of the term wise.

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