A new class of skin imaging

Published: 8-Aug-2012

VivaScope offers confocal laser scanning microscopy

Confocal laser scanning microscopy opens a “window into the skin.” This innovative imaging technique provides, for the first time, a noninvasive view into the epidermis and superficial dermis. The VivaScope technology offers unparalleled access to the area of interest with no pain for the subject and makes it possible to image the same location over the course of a therapeutic regimen – offering insights into the mechanisms of action and other dynamic processes at work during the course of therapy.

VivaScope technologies, offered exclusively by MAVIG in Europe, are widely used around the world by leading medical institutions and cosmetic organizations. Approximately 280 medical institutions are all routinely using VivaScope technologies to diagnose skin cancer, while approximately 50 leaders in the cosmetic industry like producers of active ingredients, producer of personal care products, cosmetic research organizations use VivaScope confocal cellular imaging to perform scientific studies and claims validation.

VivaScope confocal cellular imaging captures a thin optical section of the skin at a time, making this technique ideal for assessing the effectiveness of topical formulations in the different layers of the epidermis and superficial dermis. Skin and hair care products in development can be non-invasively validated and have their compatibility tested – without the need for a skin biopsy. Many researchers have documented the results of utilizing confocal cellular imaging to assess pigmentation and skin whitening, characterize skin aging, measuring epidermal thickness, assessing sun damage, determining penetration of a formulation, and to assess inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis or lupus, differentiate allergic and irritant contact dermatitis and monitor wound and scar healing.

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