EU scientists highlight safe hair dyes

Published: 18-Jan-2012

Five ingredients confirmed as essentially safe

After a long run of scientific opinions highlighting health concerns about a wide range of hair dyes and dye ingredients, a European Union (EU) scientific committee has highlighted five dyes it regards as essentially safe.

The committee has said Basic Yellow 87 does not pose a risk to consumers at concentration of up to 1% in dyes; p-aminophenol at 0.9% or less; and quinolinium, 4-formyl-1-methyl-, salt with 4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid at 2.5% or less. Meanwhile, it deemed 1-hydroxyethyl-4,5-diamino pyrazole sulfate safe in oxidative hair dye formulations at concentrations of up to 3%, although it should not be used with nitrosating substances, added a committee assessment.

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