Facial skin care offers growth potential in China

Published: 19-Jun-2013

Ifop survey finds China is the country in which women are most ready to spend money on their face

Market research firm Ifop has conducted a survey about which parts of their bodies women like most and least, with notably different national findings. The countries surveyed were France, China and Russia and the survey asked 8,000 women which parts of their bodies were most important in their own opinion, which they were currently most satisfied with and on which parts of the body they were willing to spend more money.

Unsurprisingly, across the board, around 60% of women felt their face was their most important part, but the country in which women were most ready to spend money on it was China, at 25%. “This result explains the vertiginous growth of plastic surgery in the country,”said Laure Friscourt, director of the Consumer-Beauty Department at Ifop.

In contrast, only 10% of French women said they were willing to spend more money on skin care products for their face. French and the Russian consumers were, however, far more concerned about their hair than Chinese consumers. The survey found 42% of the French and 35% of the Russians interviewed felt their hair was a priority, while in China the figures were so low, they did not even figure on the list.

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