IVPT: New Plant Stem Cell Extracts

Published: 9-Apr-2015

Extracts originating from sustainable cultivated plant stem cells

In vitro Plant-tech (IVPT) is producing extracts originating from sustainable cultivated plant stem cells. This enables production of uniform, high quality plant material, free from pests, hazardous chemicals and unwanted plant species.

By selecting plants, which have a traditional use within wound healing, skin care or as health supplements, we believe that the beneficial effects of the plant stem cell technology can be even larger. We therefore perform a science-based selection of the plants that are used for the production of our extracts.

In vitro Plant-tech produces plant stem cell extracts from our own selected plants: roseroot, bilberry, greater plantain, aloe vera and milk thistle. Through our contract manufacturing services we produce client exclusive extracts from plants selected by our clients.

Our extracts are suitable for innovative skin care products focusing on skin rejuvenation and protection.

E-mail: holefors@invitroplanttech.se

IVPT: New Plant Stem Cell Extracts

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