5 years later: A progress update since the EU animal testing ban

Published: 11-Mar-2018

Today marks five years since the EU banned animal testing for cosmetics. Here Cruelty Free International and The Body Shop reflect on the #Banniversary and look ahead to the challenges still on the horizon

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Jessie Macneil-Brown

Jessie Macneil-Brown

Michelle Thew

Michelle Thew

The 11 March marks five years since the European Commission enforced a full ban on the marketing of cosmetics products containing ingredients that have been tested on animals.

It followed the 2004 EU animal testing ban for cosmetic products and the 2009 milestone for cosmetic ingredients.

Here, Jessie Macneil-Brown, International Head of Campaigns at The Body Shop, and Michelle Thew, Chief Executive of Cruelty Free International, reflect on the steps taken to achieve the ban, what's been achieved in the past five years and the next steps.

"Last Tuesday in Brussels, we celebrated five years since the full EU bans on animal cosmetics testing and marketing came into effect. The landmark bans were the culmination of 20 years of campaigning, and a huge milestone in the fight against cruel cosmetics.

That means for the last five years, every

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