EC launches consultation on fragrance allergens

Published: 14-Feb-2014

The European Commission (EC) has launched a public consultation on fragrance allergens, as part of its response to the recommendations for the tighter regulation of perfume ingredients issued by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) in July 2012.

The Commission is seeking feedback on proposals for changes to the Cosmetics Regulation (1223/2009) including the banning of three allergens: HICC (a synthetic molecule which replicates the aroma of lily of the valley) and atranol and chloroatranol (oak moss and tree moss extract), as well as the recommendation to limit concentrations of the 12 chemicals and eight natural extracts considered by the SCCS to be of “special concern”. Further proposals covered by the consultation include the updating of the list of fragrance allergens that consumers should be made aware of when they are present in cosmetic products, and confirming that the 26 fragrance allergens currently regulated for individual labelling are still of concern.

IFRA President Pierre Sivac said the organisation broadly welcomed the measures proposed by the EC: “The Commission has devoted a great deal of effort to assess all the aspects of this issue and we think that the measures are relevant and will be effective. We nevertheless are concerned that the extension of the current labelling of allergens may not improve the level of information for consumers already sensitised, nor enable future enhancements.”

He said the proposals could be more effective by combining meaningful labelling and additional information through a website.

“Despite this detail, consumers can be confident that their health will be protected and that they can continue to enjoy safe, innovative products,” he added.

The consultation is open from 13 February 2014 to 14 May 2014.

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