Marketing trends to feature at in-cosmetics

Published: 23-Jan-2012

Marketing will take centre stage at in-cosmetics, which will take place 17-19 April in Barcelona

Marketing will take centre stage at in-cosmetics, which will take place 17-19 April in Barcelona.

The Marketing Trends programme of presentations, panel discussions and live interviews led by industry experts will provide an analysis of the current personal care ingredients market, including areas of potential growth.

Will King, founder and ceo of King of Shaves Co will lead a presentation on how to awake the ‘slumbering giant’ of men’s toiletries.

Antoinette van den Berg from Future-Touch will investigate how raw materials suppliers can translate future trends into innovation.

And Wendy Lewis from Wendy Lewis & Co, author of 11 books including Plastic makes perfect: the complete cosmetic beauty guide and America’s cosmetic doctors and dentists, will lead a presentation on the impact of social media channels on beauty brands.

There will also be presentations from market research agencies Euromonitor, Datamonitor and Organic Monitor, as well as two in-focus solar beauty panel discussions – one on how to manage consumer information on sun protection in the age of web 2.0 and the other on the future of nanoparticle innovation and current concerns from consumers and regulatory bodies.

“The Marketing Trends presentations have historically drawn in a high number of visitors who are keen to source new marketing ideas to set themselves apart from the competition. This year’s exciting line-up of presentations will offer new insights and enable delegates to build on their current knowledge of the industry,” said Cathy Laporte, group marketing manager at in-cosmetics.

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