Elevance to use XiMo catalysts

Published: 15-Feb-2011

XiMo will allow access to intellectual property and expertise

Elevance Renewable Sciences Ltd has completed a licensing agreement with XiMo AG to use XiMo’s proprietary molybdenum and tungsten metathesis catalysts in the field of natural oils. The catalysts from XiMo – a Swiss based company which provides companies with access to its intellectual property and technical expertise in order to solve industrial chemistry problems – will expand Elevance’s catalyst portfolio to include not only metathesis reactions based on ruthenium catalysts, but also tungsten and molybdenum complexes.

XiMo will work exclusively with Elevance in the natural oils field during the term of a collaborative research programme between the parties.

“The addition of XiMo’s catalysts to our existing portfolio of metathesis catalysts will expand Elevance’s capabilities to provide further customer solutions utilising renewable feedstocks,” comments Elevance ceo K’Lynne Johnson.

“Our goal is to find catalysts that will decrease cost and increase efficiency of production in our customer’s products,” adds Georg Frater, ceo of XiMo.

XiMo’s catalysts are based on the scientific research of founders Amir Hoveyda and Richard Schrock.

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