blumilight™ biofunctional, sustainable solution to skin photodamage by Ashland

Published: 20-Jan-2025

Inspired by traditional Mayan rituals, blumilight biofunctional takes the benefits of cocoa one step further, providing an advanced solution to defying skin photodamage induced by UV and visible light

Blumilight™ biofunctional is a responsibly sourced cocoa extract from Latin America, sourced from a Peruvian cooperative committed to biodiversity and providing social, agronomical, and financial support to local producers.

Blumilight™ is obtained from a very specific variety of Criollo Porcelana, also known as “cacao blanco” due to the characteristic white color of its beans. This white cocoa is the finest but also the most fragile cocoa variety, growing exclusively in the northern region of Latin America. By supporting local Peruvian producers, Ashland is proud to encourage the preservation of this heritage.

Thanks to the strong commitment and links forged with our partners in Peru, blumilight™ biofunctional comes from the first Peruvian cocoa sourcing certified as Nagoya compliant, FairTrade. Furthermore, blumilight™ is Cosmos-validated, vegan, biodegradable* and Natrue-approved.

Alongside this strong ethical and sustainable commitment, blumilight™ biofunctional also comes with scientific novelties. Blumilight™ is obtained from a specific non-fermented process aimed at preserving cocoa proteins, and is powered by white biotechnology, i.e. sequential enzymatic transformation to release cocoa peptides. Ashland Research set out to explore its unique peptide profile, using proteomic and AI-driven bioinformatic studies. Over 60 peptides were identified in the composition of blumilight™ and we highlighted a specific sequence linked to the regulation of melanin balance, paving the way for a complete reinvestigation of blumilight™ ‘s biological mode of action.

As a result, blumilight™ biofunctional is accompanied by new efficacy data demonstrating its ability to counteract photosensory stress on keratinocytes and melanocytes by acting on opsins, the light-sensitive receptors of the skin. A pioneer in the exploration of the skin's sensory receptors for the past 10 years, Ashland today reveals with blumilight™ an original link between the skin photoreceptors and the natural control of melanogenesis. By addressing hyperpigmentation appearance, as well as oxidative stress (mitochondrial and cellular ROS, protein carbonylation) and dermal damage (collagen I, fibrilin-1, elastin network), blumilight™ biofunctional delivers an extended solution for skin prone to photodamage induced by visible light and UV.

Active suncare, daycare or hybrid make-up formulations for improving skin complexion and preventing skin photodamage have their new hero!

Discover more here blumilight™ biofunctional

* according OECD 301D test


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