Cosmetics brands back Remain, as Brexit polls swing to Leave

Published: 14-Jun-2016

Roja Dove, The Organic Pharmacy and CPL Aromas back remain, while others stay neutral

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If the latest independent polls are anything to go by, ‘Remain’ campaigners have their work cut out as the UK’s vote on the EU referendum draws close.

A poll conducted by The Independent has revealed a ‘shock’ swing in favour of Brexit, with 55% of UK voters stating they intend to vote for Britain to leave the EU on 23 June. The result gives Leave a 10-point lead on Remain. Similarly, a poll released by The Guardian and ICM shortly afterwards, showed 53% of voters were pro-Leave.

However, Brexit Watch, which offers independent analysis on the EU referendum, tweeted that the Vote Leave surge is the best mobilising tool for the Remain campaign, with “chances of a Remain vote now increasing”.

The impact of the early polls has spooked investors, with sterling teetering around the dollar and euro; sterling fell against both in early trading yesterday, recovered in the afternoon, and fell again at the end of the day.

Only negatives?

Predictions and speculation aside, the referendum carries major implications for the UK and British business – with the cosmetics industry not immune. Several cosmetics companies are openly in favour of staying in the EU including The Organic Pharmacy, Roja Dove Parfums and CPL Aromas.

Roja Dove told Cosmetics Business: "Who knows where it will end up but I can only see it [Brexit] as creating far more red tape, taking far more time for my team in the office, and

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