Details of the summit can be found here.

Dr Ardeshir Bayat
Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
Topic: Ex vivo organ culture testing - a breakthrough in cosmeceutical evaluation
- A superior alternative to in vitro and in vivo animal testing can be found to study the effect of topicals in skin health and biology.

Professor Vera Rogiers, PhD Pharm
Head of the Department of Toxicology, Dermato-Cosmetology and Pharmacognosy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Topic: Genotoxicity testing of active ingredients. What to expect in the context of the cosmetic regulation
- Results of retrospective study of genotoxicity testing of Annex ingredients (2000-2014)
- What are the perspectives for the near future?

Jeffrey A. Quill
Director of Technical Applications, Q-Lab Corporation USA.
Topic: Test your packaging. Assessing the safety of your product is a regulatory must, but what level of testing should be assumed for the packaging of your product ?
Gold Sponsors

Florina-Andreea Pantazi
Policy Officer, European Commission
Topic: What is the strategy of the newly elected EU Parliament with regards to consumer safety and what impact will such initiatives have on SMEs?
Since 2013, Florina-Andreea Pantazi has worked as a Policy Officer responsible for market surveillance in the European Commission, and Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Pantazi was responsible for the implementation of the Toy safety legislation before this and prior to joining the European Commission, she worked for the Chamber of Commerce and industry in Toulouse, France, in charge of European affairs. Pantazi is a graduate of the University of Toulouse, France, European law school.

Graham Ellis
Givaudan International SA
Topic: Fragrance allergens - regulation to application and beyond.
Graham Ellis studied Chemistry at the Universtity of Wales, Cardiff and Toxicology at Birmingham Universtity in the UK. After graduation he was employed in 1995 at Unilever Safety Assurance and Environmental Centre as a toxicologist working on risk assessments and evaluation for a range of consumer product types as well as in the development of Decision Analysis tools.
In 2001 he moved to Givaudan where he is now Head of Global Toxicology for the Fragrance division and responsible for Regulato-ry Affairs and Product Safety for EAME with a specific focus on fragrance allergy. Recent research focus has been on the devel-opment and use of exposure data in risk assessment for fragrances, further development and use of the Quantitivative Risk As-sessment (QRA) tool for sensitisation and a close collaboration with Dr. Andreas Natsch on the development of in vitro tools for skin sensitisation and their use in potency prediction. He currently leads the implementation of new allergens regulation within Givaudan.

Dr Lisa Tian
Associate Toxicologist, Delphic HSE Solutions Limited
Topic: China regulation update: what should be considered when introducing a product onto the Chinese market.
Dr Lisa Tian obtained her PhD degree in toxicology from the University of Hong Kong, and Bachelor's Degree in Beijing. Upon completion of her study, she joined Delphic HSE Solutions Ltd as a toxicologist in the Hong Kong office. She is responsible for the safety assessment for cosmetic products based on EU, US, Australia, ASEAN and China regulations. Tian is also working closely with the Responsible Person team to help cosmetic manufacturers in the local area to prepare documents for EU authority, and meanwhile, to help the European clients with cosmetic registration in China area.

Dr Jack Ferguson
Director, Skinnovation Limited
Chairman at the roundtable discussion of: “Sun protection labelling should be taken out of the laboratory and into consumer reality.”
Dr. Jack Ferguson is an independent consultant to the cosmetics industry and is expert in sun care, skin care and support for advertising claims for cosmetic products. Ferguson established the consulting company Skinnovation Ltd in 2000, which provides bespoke formulation development services to cosmetic and pharmaceutical organisations for sun care and skin care products. Ferguson is also a past president of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists (UK) and was the Scientific Programme Chairman for the 2002 IFSCC Congress in Edinburgh.
Gold Sponsors

Debra Redbourn
dR Cosmetic Regulations UK
Topic: Regulatory challenges for smaller companies.
Debra Redbourn is a consultant who advises companies on the EU Cosmetic Regulations and international cosmetic legislation. Since gaining her degree in Cosmetic Science she has gained 30 years’ experience working in the cosmetics industry, initially in the development of toiletries, skin care and colour cosmetics.
She has specialised in regulations since 1988 as Scientific Officer at the CTPA, the UK cosmetic trade association, which involved attending regular meetings in Brussels at Cosmetics Europe (then called Colipa).