Anthony J. O’Lenick Jr. of Siltech Inc. was presented with the Maison G. de Navarre award on December 11, 2018 at the Society of Cosmetic Chemists 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting and Technology Showcase.

The award is the Society’s highest honour and recognises individuals for their contributions to cosmetic science.
Tony has more than 30 years of experience in the cosmetics industry and has during that time helped establish Siltech as an important supplier of novel organo-modified silicones.
He is also an accomplished writer and speaker and has received numerous awards for his contributions to the personal care industry.
Siltech additionally co-sponsored the Henry Maso Keynote Award Lecture during the Annual Scientific Meeting.
Dr. Michael McAlpine of the University of Minnesota was honoured with the award for his work on 3D Printing Electronics on the Skin as selected by the COSA Committee.
Siltech congratulates all of the SCC award winners and thanks Tony for his dedicated service to both Siltech and the cosmetics industry!