Sochibo make Naturel of grapefruit and brine

Published: 23-Jan-2008

Sochibo, a member of the Safic-Alcan group, has introduced a new variant of its Naturel line - Naturel of pink grapefruit.

Sochibo, a member of the Safic-Alcan group, has introduced a new variant of its Naturel line - Naturel of pink grapefruit.

The product is obtained by the gentle extraction of pink grapefruit juice in a brine solution, taken from the open sea off Brittany where strong currents and constant agitation ensure that the sea water is of high purity and is rich in minerals such as chlorine, sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium, and also in vitamins and oligo-elements. The presence of oligo-elements for the skin is said to be essential; any deficiency will result in dehydration and premature ageing of the epidermis.

Grapefruit contains naringin, hesperitin, various limonoids, high levels of beta-carotene as well as being an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Sochibo states that the essential oil obtained from grapefruit has detoxifying, astringent, toning and antiseptic properties. It is said to have a beneficial effect on greasy skins and combat water retention.

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