Sustainable Cosmetics Summit agenda announced

Published: 11-Sep-2012

Focal themes include novel green ingredients and new technologies

The European edition of the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit, due to take place in Paris from 21-23 November, will focus on four key themes including novel green ingredients and, for the first time, new technologies.

On day one of the conference, key speakers will discuss sustainability best practices, a topic that has become increasingly relevant as consumers and retailers continue to question the ethical and environmental values of cosmetic products. As part of the session, Marks & Spencer will provide an insight into how the company is addressing such challenges.

The second session of the day will cover novel green ingredients, with a particular emphasis on ingredients sourced from the ocean and sea. German-based company Ocean Basis will share its experiences of starting an algae farm for the sustainable cultivation of marine ingredients, while Yves Rocher will highlight its developments in botanical ingredients.

The following day will start with a session focusing on marketing and distribution developments, an increasingly important area for cosmetic brands to master considering the weak economic climate. Simon Duffy from UK-based male grooming company Bulldog will highlight the importance of customer segmentation for new brands, while an update will be given on the European green cosmetics market, including growth projections.

Day two’s second session will look at the impact of new technologies on the sustainable development of the cosmetics industry – the first time the issue has been a discussed in depth at the summit. The session will focus on the controversy surrounding nanotechnology, biomimicry in cosmetics, novel extraction techniques, the potential of stem cell technology and advances in biopolymers. There will also be a special emphasis placed on advances in mobile technology, including smart phone applications and social media. Speakers include Dr Ian Tooley from Croda, Professor Monique Simmonds from Kew Gardens, Fred Zülli from Mibelle Biochemistry and Roberto dal Toso from IRB.

The conference will end with a half-day workshop on sustainability and fragrances led by Judi Beerling from Organic Monitor.

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