As interest in personal hygiene is increasing due to COVID-19, demand for wash-off type products such as hair shampoo, body cleanser, hand wash, foam cleanser, and feminine wash is increasing. According to the research results reported in the past, the preservative efficacy of the formulated preservative decreases if the amount of surfactant, which is the essential base material of wash-off type products, increases. Moreover, wash-off products are exposed to an environment that is prone to contamination by microorganisms as they are mainly used in places with high humidity such as bathrooms.
For this reason, ACTIVON has developed Activonol-WO as an alternative preservative which has excellent efficacy and compatibility with various surfactants.
The mechanism of Activonol-WO is as follows
- Chelation with metal ions
- Perforation through cell membrane
- Metabolism inhibition

This research has confirmed that Activonol-WO showed excellent preservation performance when applied to wash-off products containing surfactants such as hair shampoo, body cleanser, hand wash, foam cleanser, feminine wash, etc. Moreover, it can also be applied to basic skincare products and pet wash products.
Activonol Green-ACTree, a 100% naturally derived ingredient with excellent antimicrobial effect against various microorganisms.
Since the release of A-Silkne earlier this year, ACTIVON developed another raw material with enhanced antimicrobial and preservative effects against more diverse microorganisms.
Activonol Green-ACTree, which has excellent antibacterial and antifungal effects against various microorganisms such as Athlete's foot-causing fungi, Dandruff-causing yeast, acne-causing bacteria, vaginitis-causing yeast, has wide compatibility with O/W type, W/S type, Oil type, and Wash-off type. It is a 100% naturally derived ingredient with excellent antimicrobial effect against Dandruff strain in particular.
For more information including test data, please refer to the link below.