Customers shouldn’t have to choose between a product they can afford and one that’s premium and good for the environment. Helping people save money and live better means more than just price leadership, it means leading responsible and sustainable business.
For over 25 years weve been pioneers, innovators and trend-setters. The world moves fast, and every day we learn how much more we can and must do.
While creating new, innovative and eco-friendly products, T-LAB Professional improves production to reduce self-consumption cost, resulting lower prices.
This is an extraordinary case in the beauty industry. T-LAB Professional is promoting Health & Beauty Ecosystem approach by using natural, sustainable, yet luxurious care products.
By optimizing distributor, salon/store and final consumer pricing strategy, we are committed to help you organically grow your business with us.
The transition towards a more responsible production allows us today to announce new, favorable prices! As a business we keep one eye on the future, adapting and evolving to stay one step ahead.
If you would like to become T-LAB Professional Partner in your country, please contact us at