This is a contributed
article by Sindy Kaur,
Founder of Challenging
She has more than 20
years experience working
in the beauty industry,
including a decade at a
blue-chip multinational.
She trained as a life coach
and make-up artist to
work with women on the
‘other side’ of the industry.
This has helped her to
understand them at a
much deeper level and
she hopes her insights will
help to build a stronger
bridge between women
and the beauty industry.
The beauty industry likes to segment its ‘target market’ by age, socio-economic status, demographics, disposable income – and so on.
It filters women in and out according to how well they fit the profile of an ‘ideal customer’ and markets to them based on how they are expected to behave.
But the same woman can fit into different categories throughout her life stages, and treating her non-judgmentally and with compassion for whichever stage she is at, is more likely to give her what she really needs, and to create long lasting relationships where she feels acknowledged and valued.
Brands that get this right stand to gain longer term loyalty and true fans.