24-hour long lasting hydration with Moist 24

Published: 5-Dec-2024

Cosmetic products offer a wide array of consumer benefits such as skin glow, soothing, plumping or smoothing

Moisturising is the only underlying, universal benefit to any effective cosmetic products. Moist 24™ is an active ingredient developed by Croda Beauty Actives (formerly Sederma), and dedicated to skin hydration, that has a long history of proven consumer benefits.

Do you know all the exciting features of this long-lasting moisturiser?

  • Successfully tested on different skin phototypes including darker ones (phototype VI).
  • Efficacy tested in leave-on and rinse-off applications.
  • Available in an encapsulated version that can be used for make-up powders
  • Available in 4 versions with different preservatives and natural grades with the brand new greener version Moist 24 PLUSNAT™ featuring a 100% natural origin content (and 58.7% natural content)
  • IECIC approved and RSPO compliant

Moist 24™ PLUSNAT will undoubtably fulfil the brief for the development of your upcoming moisturising product, addressing important matters such as sustainability, efficacy, diversity, holistic approach and more.

To know more please contact your local sales representative or visit our website: www.crodabeauty.com/en-gb

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