Why this edible seaweed could be the key to hair health

Published: 23-Oct-2023

Provital’s Miguel Moreno, Leyre Cueva and David Manzano discuss challenging hair breakage via an enzymatic-assisted extraction of seaweed, named for the guardian of the oceans Densinaria

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Consumers tend to trust what they can eat; the uncertain times we live in are driving the trend towards ‘food beauty’, which promotes the use of ingredients derived from food, in both skin and hair care, since these well-known ingredients convey a sense of safety and health.

On the other hand, climate awareness is driving the intelligent use of resources, as well as responsible consumerism.

In response to these emerging demands from consumers, Provital proposes Palmaria palmata, a well-known, healthy and edible seaweed, which is being introduced for the first time in hair care.

The active ingredient, which is COSMOS-approved and responsibly sourced, is obtained through Provital’s optimised, enzymatic-assisted extraction process.

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