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Cosmetics Business Regulatory Summit 2014: the schedule and topics discussed at the global event in Brussels, Belgium on 17-18 June 2014.
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The global platform for regulatory compliance
The global news and information group for the cosmetics and personal care industries, Cosmetics Business, hosted the 2014 edition of the Cosmetics Business Regulatory Summit at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel in central Brussels.
The annual event brings together the leading figures in cosmetics regulation to present the recent issues faced worldwide for legislation compliance as it functions in reality. The summit looks to address how regulation affects the industry on a global scale and provides a platform for debate between various parties within cosmetics. The discussions that occur over the two day event help to ensure that the future of regulation continues to bring practicality, feasibility and relevancy closer to its core.
Delegates and participants are encouraged to bring questions to the event to be answered and clarified.
Day one:
0730-0830 – Registration
0845-0900 – Welcome
0900-0955 – Keynote
The globalisation of markets: How to comply
Speaker: Professor Philippe Masson – Chairman of the EVIC International Group and Manager of EVIC France Laboratories
- With the space and time between locations becoming smaller as communications and technology increase worldwide, it continues to get easier to sell products to the far corners of the world; but when a product is made in one country and sold in or bought online from a variety of locations, at which point do the various global regulations become relevant for the product?
- Is regulatory harmonisation likely to occur in the foreseeable future?
0955-1030 – Presentation
Cosmetic product claims: European regulatory framework and common criteria
Speaker: Roman Mokry – Policy Officer at the European Commission
- An overview from the European Commission of the European regulatory framework and common criteria in cosmetic product claims
1100-1130 – Regulation in reality
The hard work SMEs go through for compliance
Speaker: Steven L. Hanft, M.A. – President, CONUSBAT Internationalization Services
- An insight into the practicalities of complying with the various safety regulations and the management of associated costs of such compliance
- Key criteria for compliance with REACH and the Cosmetic Products Regulation
- The EU’s SME definition and staffing in companies
- Cost implications from compliance steps – comparison of SMEs and Large Enterprises
- Gains from products compliance
1130-1215 – An overview
The future of cosmetics regulation
Speaker: Dr Florian Schellauf – Issue Manager, Technical Regulatory Affairs, Cosmetics Europe
- Cosmetics Europe will present their interpretation of regulation in the future and how this would impact compliance
1215-1245 – An overview
Regulatory anomalies in the fragmented US market
Speaker: Sharon A. Blinkoff, Counsel, Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
- When looking to bring a product to the US Market what are the variations in regulatory compliance of which a company and product developer must be aware with specific focus on regional state activity with particular emphasis on California and Prop 65 and the Class action litigation
1400-1530 – Roundtable debate
A discussion on the following belief: “Sun protection labelling should be taken out of the laboratory and into consumer reality”
Chairman: Dr Jack Ferguson – Director, Skinnovation Ltd
Panellist: Dr Marc Pissavini – Director of the Basic & Applied Research, Coty-Lancaster Group
Panellist: Sharon A. Blinkoff – Counsel, Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
Panellist: Debra Redbourn – dR Cosmetic Regulations UK
- A debate with industry experts with differing opinions on the matter
- A brief introduction by each speaker with their position on labelling and consumer awareness of how to interpret on pack sun-safety labelling as well as their view on the in vitro vs in vivo testing protocols that are currently used and for the future
- Chaired discussions about these pressing issues from all sides of the equation. Delegate participation and questions are encouraged and will be taken by the chairman.
1600-1630 – An overview
Global supply: The notable areas in regulatory compliance
Speaker: Debra Redbourn – dR Cosmetic Regulations UK
- When looking to release a product on a global scale, what are the notable areas in regulatory compliance of which a company and product developer must be aware?
1630-1700 – An overview
Regulatory anomalies for the Asian Pacific markets
Speaker: Ric Williams – Contract Development Cosmetic/Cosmeceutical R&D Scientist, Cosmepeutics International
- When looking to introduce a product to the Asian Pacific markets, what are the variations in regulatory compliance of which a company and product developer must be aware?
1700-1730 – The EU Regulation: A year on
Living with the Regulation from a SME perspective
Speaker: Dr Catherine Renard, Senior Financial Executive, Quatre S Cosmetics
- This practical view point from an SME company provides an insight into the weight of the change from the Directive to Regulation and what they learned from their experience
- The issues today for SME companies within the EU are not technical ones to overcome but economical ones
- Interpretation of the EU regulation with various languages barriers has a costly impact on packaging and time consuming completion of PIFs
- Understanding the role and responsibilities between the importer and the ‘responsible person’.
Adjourn for cocktail reception

Day two:
0730-0815 – Registration
0815-0830 – Day one review
0830-0925 – Keynote
How safe is safe enough for market presence?
Speaker: Professor Vera Rogiers PhD Pharm – Head of the Department of Toxicology, Dermato-Cosmetology and Pharmacognosy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- An overview of what ‘safety’ means in bringing a product to market under the EU Regulation
- Providing an in-depth look into the various safety assessments there are available.
0925-1000 – Presentation
Animal Testing: The push that's sweeping across the globe
Speaker: Emily McIvor – Policy Director of Humane Society International’s Research and Toxicology Department.
- An overview on the different worldwide views on animal testing
- How such regulation impacts industry obligations of corporate responsibility
- The trade impacts of existing and future regulation and an analysis of the arguments against such bans
1030-1130 – The EU Regulation: A year on
Regulatory compliance and more… Consequences for cosmetic ingredients
Speaker: Ellen Pfrommer – Head of Product Stewardship & EHS Master Data Personal Care, BASF
- Legal Requirements, including why some ingredients are being restricted and what can trigger a ban
- Legal Obligations and Responsible Care of ingredient manufacturers
- The impact of animal testing ban and marketing ban
- The challenges to get to innovative ingredients
1130-1230 – The EU Regulation: A year on
The sticking points and resolutions from a regulator's perspective
Speaker: Sandra Ferretti – Chief Compliance Officer at Obelis s.a.
- After nearly a year since its inception, the regulatory side of the industry discloses oft-reported problems and questions and provides some solutions to these areas.
1330-1500 – Roundtable debate
A discussion on the following statement: “Testing protocols should favour multinationals rather than balancing the marketability of products across the board”
Chairman: Jeffrey A. Quill – Director of Technical Applications, Q-Lab Corporation USA
Panellist: Dr Jack Ferguson – Director, Skinnovation Ltd
Panellist: Ellen Pfrommer – Head of Product Stewardship & EHS Master Data Personal Care, BASF
Panellist: Ric Williams - Contract Development Cosmetic/Cosmeceutical R&D Scientist, Cosmepeutics International
- A debate with industry experts with differing opinions on the matter from start-ups, SMEs, multinationals and independent bodies
- A brief introduction by each speaker with their position on testing protocol, regulatory compliance and whether ‘fairness’ and ‘balance’ is a valid argument
- Chaired discussions about these pressing issues from all side of the equation. Delegate participation and questions are encouraged and will be taken by the chairman.
1530-1600 – An overview
Breaking into the Brazilian market
Speaker: Claudia de Lucca Mano, Practicing Attorney and Consultant, De Lucca Mano
- An overview on existing regulatory frameworks for cosmetics products and ingredients covering: company licensing, concepts and basic guidelines for cosmetics, classification: degree of risk, clearance procedure within ANVISA: notification or registration, ingredients listings (Mercosur), labelling, new sunscreen regulation(Mercosur) and advertising.
1600-1630 – An overview
Breaking into the Eurozone
Speaker: Dr Annelie Struessmann, Technical Director, CONUSBAT Internationalization Services
- When looking to introduce a product to the Eurozone, what are the stages of product development of which a company and product developer must be aware? Plus, a view as to which product characteristics are currently successful and how to address any barriers to entry.
1630-1700 – The EU Regulation: A year on
How and why some ingredients are banned: does ‘due diligence’ have a limit?
Speaker: Alan Ritchie, Regulatory Services Manager, Caleb Management Services Ltd
- An overview of how the REACH initiative impacts due diligence of industry when developing and selling cosmetic products
- The talk will look to cover generic safety and regulatory issues with ingredients such as compounds of arsenic, lead, mercury, pesticides etc.; environmental issues; cosmetics-specific safety concerns, which can result in either prohibition or restriction
- Substances prohibited because they have a known pharmacological effect and substances that have been on the Cosmetics Regulation under a positive listing but have dropped off the list and are now consequently prohibited will be discussed with reasons as to why this can happen.
- Finally, the commercial, regulatory and media consequences of a substance being banned as well as the impact of media attention on a substance will be highlighted in order to fully understand the repercussions of facilitating the 'due diligence' mantra to varying extents.
Sponsor: AMA Laboratories Inc.

Zurko Research
17-18 June 2014
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Rue du Fossé-aux-Loups 47, Wolvengracht 47, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
How to attend
or email / ring +44 207 193 1285

The official PR company for the Cosmetics Business Regulatory Summit is Fuel PR. For media information, please contact Gillian Waddell at Fuel PR or Kasia Maj or call 0207 498 8211
If you or your company would like to sponsor this event, places are still available. Sponsorship for this event provides a platform to showcase interest and prominence in the regulatory sector.

The Cosmetics Business brand (HPCi Media Limited) produces seven global publications in print for the cosmetics and personal care industries: Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics (SPC); SPC Asia; European Cosmetic Markets (ECM); Cosmetics International; Cosmetic News Weekly; Cosmetic Science & Technology and Pure Beauty. The brand also brings together this content in one online platform:
With information and insight from opinion leaders, in-depth analysis by country and sector, and the latest news and innovation from ingredients to retail, Cosmetics Business provides a comprehensive platform for the personal care, cosmetics and fragrance industries.