How sustainability labels strengthen your brand

Published: 25-Aug-2022

A Deloitte report published in 2022, ‘How consumers are embracing sustainability’, found that producing sustainable packaging and products topped the list of the five most important environmentally sustainable or ethical practices

There’s no doubt that consumer behaviour and attitudes are influencing companies and their commitment to becoming more sustainable.

Keep reading to explore some benefits of using sustainable labels to strengthen your brand.

Positive PR

Adopting sustainable practices is no longer an option. Consumers are savvier than ever about environmental issues, which will only increase over time.

According to the EY Future Consumer Index, 55% of consumers believe they should drive companies and organisations to lead on better social and environmental outcomes. So if you’ve reviewed your entire supply chain through a sustainability lens, there are many opportunities to communicate this positively.

For example, you can share what you’re doing on your website and social media or get a press release featured in a local paper or trade publication.

The same report found that almost half (48%) of consumers feel they don’t have enough information when trying to become more sustainable. Companies that communicate their commitment can consistently fill the knowledge gap.


EY’s study also found that 80% of global consumers believe brands should be transparent about the environmental impacts of producing their goods and services.

Sustainability doesn’t have a finish line. Customers will prefer you to be open and honest about your actions. You should also be transparent about areas you need to improve on rather than not communicating about sustainability at all.

Transparency can take many forms. Sustainability reporting and communication shouldn’t be a one-off page on your website or internal company document. Your policies and processes should constantly evolve, and taking your customers on that journey with you is essential. This is the ideal opportunity to incorporate a sustainability label on your product.


Transparency helps to create trust. Over one-third (35%) of people in the Deloitte survey said that having a transparent, accountable, socially and environmentally responsible supply chain was an important consideration for them, and sustainability labels can prove this.

Sustainability is an important thread that runs through your business and all your suppliers. Individual companies can be sustainable but then let down by their wider supply chain. For example, having materials driven hundreds of miles on HGVs rather than using local suppliers or those with a fleet of low emission vehicles.


Manufacturers, suppliers and end customers are increasingly holding companies accountable on environmental matters. By looking at your entire supply chain, including printed labels, you will strengthen your processes internally and as a result, be more accountable externally.

Sustainability is here to stay. Choosing suppliers on the same page as you is good business sense regarding the reputation you’ve worked so hard to build up.

Denny Bros take sustainability seriously, including achieving ISO 14001:2015 for environmental waste management systems.

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