How to make an anti-redness mist

Published: 16-Sep-2024

Biolie’s Daria Zhydovych proposes a long lasting anti-redness solution for irritated skin

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Who has never experienced dry or slightly irritated skin, especially in summer? To remedy this, it is possible to include various products in your daily routine that soothe and moisturise the skin, such as gels, serums or moisturising creams.

However, the effect often lasts only a few hours and the feeling of discomfort returns quickly.

This can be especially true in areas with very high temperatures or high pollution levels.

In addition, sometimes external impacts can negatively influence the healthy skin flora, which may lead to the inflammation mechanisms.

A face hydrating anti-redness mist can be an effective way of soothing skin discomfort on the go at any moment of the day.

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