Inutec SL1 is a molecule of approximately 60 fructose units with three lauryl chains connected to it. The fructose backbone is called inulin and is the water-soluble part. The lauryl chains are the oil-soluble part.
The major advantage is that Inutec SL1 emulsifies with such a unique approach. This allows you to make emulsions that are (almost) unbreakable. Inutec SL1 creates a snake-like interface around the oil droplet instead of a traditional micelle.
Often, a formulator encounters a situation where the skin feel is just perfect, but the viscosity needs to be higher. How do you do this without ruining the nice texture? Inutec SL1 improves stability, lowers stickiness and greasiness, and improves spreadability. Inutec SL1 enables you to make everything from sprays to butters while giving an amazing skin feel.

Inutec SL1 is also very efficient because you only need a small dosage. Based on the oil phase, you only need 0.5% to 2% pure Inutec SL1. This small dosage suffices because a partial coverage of the oil droplet is already enough. A traditional micelle needs complete coverage, otherwise, it will be unstable.
The unique chemistry enables another big advantage, which is that the performance of actives is boosted. The droplets are smaller and more uniform in size. This means that you create a liquid patch on the skin and the TEWL is decreased. Thus, actives have more time to do their job.
After 20 years of experience, there is one more characteristic of Inutec SL1. We learned from our customers that they never dealt with any upscaling issues. It is very unique to have an emulsifier that gives the same result in production as in the laboratory.
So, we raise our glass for Inutec SL1, and may this ingredient be on our side for another 20 years.